The University is led by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden, Professor Karen O’Brien.
The Vice-Chancellor and Warden is responsible to Council for the overall strategic direction and performance of the University and has overall responsibility for Durham’s maintained Colleges. The Vice-Chancellor is supported by a Senior Leadership Team.
View the Vice-Chancellor's profile
Members of the Senior Leadership Team
For more information on the work of each Senior Leadership Team member, click on their profile.
Professor Karen O'Brien
Vice-Chancellor and Warden, leads the University and the University Executive Committee, which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the University.
Professor Mike Shipman
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, responsible for supporting the Vice-Chancellor in delivering the University’s Academic Strategy.
Jeremy Cook OBE
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Colleges and Student Experience), responsible for the Colleges and Student Experience Division and promoting the wider student experience.
Professor Tony Fawcett
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), responsible for the delivery of the University’s Education and Engagement Strategy.
Dr Shaid Mahmood
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)), accountable for the strategy for equality, diversity, inclusion, respect and behaviours.
Professor Claire O'Malley
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), responsible for the strategic leadership and implementation of the University’s international agenda.
Professor Colin Bain
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), responsible for the delivery of the University’s Research and Engagement Strategy.
Professor Janet Stewart
Executive Dean (Arts and Humanities), responsible for the strategic development and financial performance of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Professor Catherine Cassell
Executive Dean (Business), responsible for the strategic development and financial performance of the Faculty of Business.
Professor Clive Roberts
Executive Dean (Science), responsible for the strategic development and financial performance of the Faculty of Science.
Professor Charlotte Clarke
Executive Dean (Social Sciences and Health), responsible for the strategic development and financial performance of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health.
Neil Scott
Interim Chief Financial Officer, responsible for the financial strategy, providing direction and oversight and driving financial and operating performance.
David Loudon
Director of Estates and Facilities, responsible for the delivery of the Estate Master Plan and other core estates functions, including accommodation services.
Joanne Race
Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, responsible for enabling the effective management of the workforce, diversity and wellbeing.
Sian Broadhurst
Director of Strategy Delivery, responsible for coordinating and implementing projects to deliver the University’s ambitious strategy.
Lucian Hudson
Director of Advancement, Marketing and Communications, is responsible for leading on marketing, communications and development.
Dr Amanda Wilcox
University Secretary, responsible for the University’s overall governance, assurance and legal compliance.